The Right Angle: Philadelphia’s Pennovation Center Reaches Completion

October 3, 2016
Wallpaper* — By Sam Lubell

It’s more of a machine than an office building.


‘Architecture has incredible power when you use it as a communication device,’ [Hollwich] says. ‘It’s bigger than any billboard.’ But just in case, the the building also has an impressive illuminated red sign projecting from its east façade.


‘It’s more of a machine than an office building’ […] appropriate for a space meant for tinkering and creating. Furthermore the lack of preciousness (all lit by rhythmically-hung exposed fluorescents) allows users to drill holes in walls or move machines around without worrying.


‘This is a building that has no attitude,’ he adds. ‘It invites people to be part of it, and becomes almost a friend for the people inside. It’s a building that you want to have a beer with and not one you want to impress.’