New Living in 2020

March 24, 2020
By Matthias Hollwich

As history unfolds before our eyes, we are generating a type of New Living. Many homes have become live/workspaces, and our current architectural models are being put to the test. More people across the world stay at home to do their part to flatten the pandemic curve, and we wanted to share with you a few tips. They come from Matthias’ book, New Aging, and are more relevant now than ever as we rethink our way to live and engage with one another.


To inspire small changes in your daily routines, we put together a list of suggestions that we hope will add a bright spot to your days.

1. Make a hobby list.

Reflect on the childhood passions and natural abilities you let go dormant. Go ahead and dust off your chessboard. Tune up that instrument that’s in the back of your closet. Master a family recipe. If you need some fine-tuning or instruction, don’t hesitate to take advantage of the free online courses or YouTube videos that are publicly available.


Make a list of past hobbies that are worth revisiting, and pick one per day.

2. Turn your home/work into a gym. 

Most homes have designated areas, such as a kitchen, bathroom, and dining room, but not a set space for exercise. To work around this, we can add multi-functional workout space to our domains and get creative with our surroundings. A living room can become a tranquil yoga space. Items around your kitchen can be used for free weights (a filled bottle or a can of food). We can also use our bedrooms for light calisthenics and stretching.


Add 3 exercises to your routine around the house this week, treating them as an essential part of your day, like eating or sleeping.

3. Phone a friend

Be the one to initiate a catch up or a conversation. It doesn’t have to take long, but now more than ever, it’s important that it’s done regularly. Schedule a 15-minute block of time each day to write a letter, email, or FaceTime one of your contacts.


Get in touch today and ask how your friend is doing. Ask if they have any book recommendations, or are watching anything interesting or entertaining. Even a quick call to just say ‘hello!’

4. Upgrade your home dining experience. 

With countless restaurants temporarily closed, we realize eating isn’t only about food but about the process. Think about your favorite restaurant and consider how many hours went into creating a memorable dining experience. Take time to create a space for yourself (after you clear off the table), put on some music, turn off the television, and be present. Enjoy each bite.


Recall the things you like about your favorite restaurant, and implement them at your table.

5. Share it with your network. 

Share these ideas with your peers and with different generations! The time is ripe for New Living. Knowledge is passed down, and spreading knowledge helps us to put our own goals into work.


Use social media platforms like Twitter or Instagram to spread the movement. Let’s be a community that works together and helps everyone adapt to New Living.